Pinterest is so cool. Who doesn’t love it? Who hasn’t used it? When it first started I remember spending so much time surfing around pinning recipes and craft ideas. But you know what…it is so much more than that. I won’t get into all the technical stuff but it is a great way to find a ton of information and blog articles etc.
What’s On My Page?
When I was building my Pinterest page I knew what I wanted it to be and worked towards that. I wanted it to be an amazing resource for mamas and all things new motherhood. From pregnancy through delivery, newborns and their health, what to eat, how to exercise, labor and delivery plans, newborn must-haves and all things in between. I also have boards for newborn and maternity photography so you can see lots of links to my sessions all in one place. Building this out has been so much fun.
New Boards
This year I decided to add a new board each month as my monthly inspiration board. It can be anything in there that strikes my fancy. I’ve been enjoying it. As much as I love photography and motherhood sometimes it’s nice to expand my horizons by looking at new ways to get organized (January board) or cool winter vacation destinations (February board). You should head on over there and check them out. Send me suggestions for great pins too. I’d love to see what inspires you.
Using My Boards
But the biggest reason I created my Pinterest page was to expand on my blog. My blog is a resource for mamas but all of the information was written by me. I have a lot of different topics (feel free to poke around) but my Pinterest page really expands on that in such a much grander way. All of my boards are separated into relevant categories and I have found a ton of information written by other bloggers and those who focus in these other areas. This way you can get a variety of opinions on a multitude of topics because, well, not everyone knows everything. LOL
So head on over to my Pinterest page by clicking HERE and check it out. If you are not following me…you should be! <3
Contact me HERE to schedule your newborn and maternity photo session.
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I think it’s so amazing you have pinterest boards connected to your newborn photography website. Great idea for parents!
This is such a smart way to use Pinterest. It’s so much more than a way to browse newborn pictures. You can use it as a visual menu or archive for your blog.
I can get lost in Pinterest for hours. Great idea to hook it to your photography.
I may spend quite a bit of time searching around as well. LOL