What a time we are living in. I have never seen anything like this and do not think I ever will again. To quote IronMan from Avengers (yes, I’m a nerd and they are my favorite movies) “…the Earth is […]
What a time we are living in. I have never seen anything like this and do not think I ever will again. To quote IronMan from Avengers (yes, I’m a nerd and they are my favorite movies) “…the Earth is […]
There is nothing more difficult than the loss of a baby. It comes without reason or warning. It leaves a hole that nothing can ever fill. I know because I have been through it. There isn’t anything that can prepare […]
This is always so tough for me. I am such a person that stays busy and wears a ton of hats so to speak. I feel like I always have something going on. Whether it’s raising my four kids, working […]
When I had my first son I never thought I would sleep again. Seriously. My son would not take a bottle and wanted to eat every two hours from start to start. And well, nursing did not come naturally […]
I’m pregnant! Yay! But what in God’s name is this? About 5 weeks into my first trimester I started feeling really awful. I thought I was coming down with some sort of stomach bug it was so bad. Here comes […]