Cake Smash sessions are honestly one of my favorite types of photo sessions to do. They are so much fun! I love them. It’s funny though because not all babies like cake. Don’t get me wrong they like to eat all that sugary goodness but for some reason there are a handful out there who really do not like to have it on their hands. Maybe it feels weird or they don’t like to be dirty. Either way, it’s really a roll of the dice when parents book a cake smash. I do try and always let parents know just in case that they may have a baby who hates it. I know I have some who have hated it and some who went to town on their cake.
Before the Cake
No matter what I always do photos without the cake first. Capturing a one year milestone is such a big deal. A baby changes so so so much during that first year. It is really crazy when you think about how quickly they are growing and developing just from a medical standpoint but even from a social and emotional standpoint too. They are walking (most of the time) or close to it. Maybe a couple of words. Smiling and interacting with people and playing is such a milestone too. Capturing that one year mark and comparing those images with newborn images is really amazing.
J’s Session
One of my favorite things about milestones is really being able to interact with these little ones. Each child is unique and J was no different. He came to see me on his actual birthday!! I was so honored to be able to celebrate and be a part of his day. This little man was just so sweet and happy. When he smiled he lit up the room. He was just such a handsome and fun little guy. It is always a little intimidating at first when the session starts. I’m some random gal sticking a giant camera in his face with a massive light to the side. I really love taking my time and letting my little clients warm up and play. I’m not scary, I promise! I even have Sofie the giraffe for some extra giggles.
J took a little bit of time warming up and that’s ok. It gave me a chance to get to know him a little better and time to get to know his daddy and auntie (mama had to work and we missed her very much). What a sweet and fun family. One thing I learned is that J loves socks. He throws them in the air, likes to hold them and they just make him giggle. So what did we do….we started tossing socks around. LOL Such fun memories of the day for me.
Uh-oh Cake Time
So remember when I said not all kids like cake? Well J was one of those kids. He took a few bites and thought “hey this is ok” (because who doesn’t like cake, especially a yummy cake made by Mommy) but then things went south. He decided that this was just not for him. We tried a wooden spoon which is one of my go-to tricks and it works most of the time. But he just did not like the frosting getting on him. I think Daddy may have ended up with more on him than J did. LOL I never force a cake smash but was pretty happy we got a few images in before he changed his mind. Overall it was a super fun session and I had a wonderful time getting to know this sweet young man.
Booking dates for 2017 are filling up fast. It’s never too early to secure your date and time on my calendar. Contact me now to reserve your spot.
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Oh my goodness he is just so handsome!!!
Oh my goodness he is so precious! How did you not gobble those cheeks right up! Beautiful work!